Where available we will try to match competitors prices. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee to match all competitor prices and is only available pre-purchase.
If you find an identical item cheaper before you buy please follow the links on our website to the apply the price match. Terms and conditions below.
Terms and Conditions
Applies to the UK only.
Items must be in stock
Products must be identical (i.e. same name, model and colour).
Available to view online from an authorised stockist.
Cannot be used against any other discount code, promotion, voucher code, subscripton or membership scheme.
We will price match on a like for like basis against the total cost of the item, including any delivery charges.
Will not apply if the selected retailer is in administration or closing down.
Will not apply if the competitor product is used or damaged, e.g. ex display model.
Private sellers and auction sites do not qualify.
Only available at our discretion.